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Actively Autoimmune
Oct 18, 20224 min read
Colds, Chronic Illness and Exercise: What should you do?
What do you do with exercise when you get “muggle sick” as in a normal cold, when you already have chronic illness? (I’m not going to...
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Actively Autoimmune
Oct 19, 20205 min read
Jaw Pain: A Holistic Approach
Jaw pain used to always be blamed on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the hinge like connection that allows the lower part of the jaw...
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Actively Autoimmune
Oct 16, 20205 min read
Pain Management: Heat Therapy
Heat therapy is when any sort of heat is used to help manage pain in the body on its own or in combination with analgesics.
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Actively Autoimmune
Sep 13, 20205 min read
Migraine and Exercise: What does the research say?
Everyone’s experience of Migraine is different which is why no one form of exercise will be right for everyone and for some exercise can..
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Actively Autoimmune
Sep 2, 20205 min read
How many reps and sets with Chronic Illness?
I get so many messages about this, both about the exercises I post specifically and workouts in general with chronic illness.
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Actively Autoimmune
Jun 11, 20205 min read
Stuff I buy on Amazon that helps with chronic illness life
I was going to name this 'crap I buy' but that seems mean to these products that make such a big difference to me!
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Actively Autoimmune
May 26, 20207 min read
My journey with steroids
My 2.5 year journey with prednisone sharing the side effects, how it effected me and how I finally managed to get off devils tic tacs!
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Actively Autoimmune
Mar 3, 20209 min read
Flying with Chronic Illness: My top ten tips
From shouting 'these are her laxatives' to trying to explain what a catheter are my tips and airport adventures!
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Actively Autoimmune
Feb 18, 20208 min read
Bladder Instillations: they sound scarier than they are!
All about bladder instillations, what they are used for, how the procedure is done and what to expect. Plus I share my experience!
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Actively Autoimmune
Feb 11, 20206 min read
Colonic Irrigation: My experience
I put together a blog post sharing my experience of colonic irrigation so far.
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Actively Autoimmune
Feb 6, 20207 min read
PoTS and Exercise Part 2: How to get started
This is part 2 of PoTS and exercise, which will hopefully tell you about the protocol and how you can get get started
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Actively Autoimmune
Jan 21, 20207 min read
PoTS and Exercise Part 1: What's the evidence?
This is part 1 of 2, about the PoTS exercise protocol, sharing the research and evidence I found to why exercise can help!
5,583 views0 comments

Actively Autoimmune
Jan 14, 20206 min read
Bladder Pain: 10 things in my 'Bladder Toolbox'
Bladder pain is horrific. It's up there with migraines in terms of unbearable pain.
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Actively Autoimmune
Jan 7, 20205 min read
Why do I exercise with Chronic Illness?
With it being the start of the new year, I am sure you are one of many to include 'exercise' in your new years resolutions, or as I...
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Actively Autoimmune
Dec 9, 20193 min read
Highs & lows during my first week with an indwelling catheter
My bladder function has declined rapidly over the last few months. I've been unable to empty it myself and even though self-catheterising...
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Actively Autoimmune
Oct 10, 20193 min read
Appointment Fatigue: The cost on my mental health
It is only until I have had a break of appointments (3 whole weeks it was heaven) have I realised just how much the constant visits to...
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Actively Autoimmune
Oct 10, 20193 min read
6 Different ways to relieve foot pain
When the foot works well it is amazing. It co-ordinates over 26 bones, 30 joints and 100 soft tissues to work in the right order at the...
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Actively Autoimmune
Sep 16, 20199 min read
Chronic illness and the Gym: A personal trainer's guide
Exercising with chronic illness can be a bit of a minefield just working out how much to do with fatigue and pain. Maybe you want to go to t
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Actively Autoimmune
Aug 23, 20192 min read
Behind the #waitingwiggle
I’ve always been a 'wiggler' as I never could sit still. I was told off by my Nana who said I will never be a ‘lady’ if I don’t stop...
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Actively Autoimmune
Jul 18, 20193 min read
Diet & chronic illness: How do you know which diet is best for you?
If you google 'diets for chronic illness' or 'autoimmune disease diets' you are flooded with pages saying - insert diet name- is THE diet...
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