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Actively Autoimmune
May 26, 20207 min read
My journey with steroids
My 2.5 year journey with prednisone sharing the side effects, how it effected me and how I finally managed to get off devils tic tacs!
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Actively Autoimmune
Sep 19, 20184 min read
Sun Sensitivity & Me: 5 tips to surviving sunlight
This may be why when first reading about Lupus I was horrified. Yeah the whole immune system attacking itself causing pain, fevers, fatigue,
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Actively Autoimmune
Aug 23, 20182 min read
It's okay not to be okay: How I deal with my lupus anniversary
Anniversaries of significant events or the death of a loved one leads to that date forever marked in your brain. Each year that passes...
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Actively Autoimmune
Jul 10, 20182 min read
Pill Shaming: Don't judge me for taking the medication I need
They make me feel like it was ME that chose to take these tablets. Like I thought, "Ooo you know what I fancy, steroids; that round fat face
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Actively Autoimmune
May 9, 20184 min read
My Lupus Story: How I Was Diagnosed
Once upon a time (April 2017) in a country far far away (Australia) I got a cold. A very undramatic start to my story.
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